Archive for the ‘en’ Category

I moved…bin umgezogen

October 5, 2007

Right after I started blogging here, which I liked, I was told about the even nicer option at in Italy. If you want to read more, go to

Direkt nachdem ich hier angefangen hatte zu bloggen, hörte ich von dem noch netteren Angebot bei aus Italien. Wenn Ihr mehr lesen wollt, bitte hier entlang:


July 20, 2007


Annalists (from Latin annus, year; hence annales, sc. libri, annual records), is the name given to a class of writers on Roman history, the period of whose literary activity lasted from the time of the Second Punic War to that of Sulla. They wrote the history of Rome from the earliest times (in most cases) down to their own days, the events of which were treated in much greater detail.


Main Entry: an·nal·ist
Pronunciation: 'a-n&l-ist
Function: noun
: a writer of annals : CHRONICLER
an·nal·is·tic /"a-n&l-'is-tik/ adjective